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Blanket With Coffee

55 Minimalism Quotes That Perfectly Illustrate Less is More

I needed these minimalism quotes a lot today and I’m sure there are others out there struggling who need a reminder about why less is more and the freedom that comes once you burrow out from beneath your stuff. As I sit here and look at the closet that I’ve been meaning to clean out for over a week, I need some motivation to remind me why this minimalism thing is so important. Related Posts:  The Best Minimalism Challenge (Even for my Hoarder Husband)The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Planner for a Closet You’ll Love How to Simplify Your Life to Spend LessTips…

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Capsule Wardrobe

The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Planner For a Closet You’ll Love

If there’s one place in the house that clutters faster and more than any other, it’s the closet. That’s why I’m so interested in capsule wardrobes right now. And in an attempt to achieve my own, I’ve made a capsule wardrobe planner for everyone else who’s trying to achieve minimalism in their closets too! I’m always trying to get rid of clothes and yet I still find my closet a cluttered mess of loved, unworn, and unwanted items. Not only does this give me closet anxiety (pun intended) but I feel like I wear the same things over and over without taking…

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Minimalism Challenge

The Best Minimalism Challenge For Every Personality (Even My Hoarder Husband!)

I am a firm believer that everything is more fun as a challenge. Weekend challenge. One week challenge. 30-Day challenge. Year-long challenge. I’ve done them all for all kinds of things. I’m a very all-or-nothing person so when I think about achieving an important skillset or changing a habit, I turn to challenges. They’re a great way to “detox” whatever bad habit you’ve built and lay the foundation for making a new one. And believe it or not, minimalism is a habit. Best Minimalism Challenge For Everyone Minimalism is a habit and a mindset that matures over time. You don’t…

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Minimalist Book On Table

How The Aspiring Minimalist Can Modify The KonMari Method

Have you been sitting in your house wondering where all this stuff came from? If you’re like me it didn’t come all at once, it crept up slowly over years. A new apartment brought new furniture, new marriage brought knickknacks and kitchen gadgets, and new jobs and events brought logo tees I swore I was only going to "wear around the house." Did you know that the average home size in America has increased by over 1,000 square feet since 1973!? And the average family size has decreased so we should have so much more room for activities! Yet we…

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